Sold Homes in Historic Malbis - Daphne
Historic Malbis is one of the most unique neighborhoods in the Daphne and Spanish Fort area. You may own in Historic Malbis already and for whatever reason, you are wanting to sell your home. If this is the case, seeing what homes have sold for in your neighborhood is one crucial piece of information that you will need in order to price your property correctly.
Sold Homes in Historic Malbis
Below you will find all of the homes that have sold in the past 90 days.
Historic Malbis is a very nice and popular neighborhood that sees a lot of real estate activity. As you can see, there were 8 homes that have sold with 7 selling for less than list price and 1 selling for more than asking price.
If you're a home owner thinking about selling, please contact me. I would love to talk with you more about your home and what I can do for you in order to sell it in a timely fashion.
Are you thinking about buying? Go to the main neighborhood page for all homes that are for sale in Historic Malbis. You'll find more information about the neighborhood as well as property details for the homes that are on the market.
Jeff Nelson
IXL Real Estate – Eastern Shore