What are the Home Values for Bellaton of Daphne AL?
Bellaton is one of Daphne's most popular neighborhoods but you may already own here and find yourself in a position where you need to sell. If this is the case, you will need to know what homes are selling for in Bellaton. One of the key factors in figuring out a home's value is to look at comparable sales within the same neighborhood. The real estate information below will show you the actual data from homes that have sold in Bellaton in the last 6 months.
Here are the facts from the last 6 months:
- 12 homes sold
- Average list price - $335,374
- Average selling price - $330,379
- Selling to list price ratio - 98%
- Average price per square foot - $120
- Average square feet - 2,762
- Average days on the market - 92
So is Bellaton in a buyer's market or a seller's market? The answer - yes but by a very small margin. By looking at the selling to list price ratio of 98%, you see that buyers on average are only getting a 2% reduction off of the original list price. With such a slight margin, the market is barely favoring the buyer.
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There are many other factors that come into play when determining the value of your home in Bellaton. If you're thinking about selling, please contact me to discuss your needs. This would also be a good time for me to learn more about your home.
For starters, click on the button below, answer just a few questions, and I'll get back with you as soon as possible with what I think you should sell your home for.
For buyers, please visit Bellaton's main neighborhood page for more information and a list of all active listings.
Jeff Nelson
IXL Real Estate – Eastern Shore