A house in Alabama costs an average median-listing price of $219,000, according to Zillow. Beyond the cost of the house, you’ll need to factor in funds for the cost of modernization and personalizing the interiors to make a new home exclusively yours. It helps to know what can really help build an enjoyable ambiance. That said, what sort of house features can truly transform it into a truly delightful one?
Cleverly Hidden Storage
Clutter is the number one enemy of an enjoyable and comfortable home. Clutter negatively affects the time, finances, and the sense of well-being of individuals, according to Elizabeth Scott, a wellness coach. A good way to address this is through cleverly hidden storage areas around the home. For example, a pull-out closet underneath each step of stairs. Building floating shelves that fit into corners makes use of otherwise bare space. Taking time to build “hidden” storage limits your chances of building clutter and gives you more space for your stuff.
Warmth Through Modern Fireplaces
A truly enjoyable home environment has a warmth to it. Research suggests that slightly dim yet warm light from a fireplace increases relaxation and positive interaction within the home, says Sally Augustine Ph.D. What’s great about modern fireplaces is that they do not require extensive space. There are smaller fireplace options like a mini-fireplace or an elevated box fireplace that fit condos and smaller homes. If you have a bit more space, you can opt for an open fire or an extended ribbon fireplace. No matter what you choose, you can create the perfect gathering spot for your family or create a warm nook for yourself to gather your thoughts in peace.
Adding Personality with Art
A home needs to feel like actual people live in it; not something that was copied off a magazine. To do that, you can employ art to inject your own personality into the space you live in. It also gives you an instant pop of color for a room. Art helps pull a room together and gives it a finished appearance, according to Tara Mastroeni of Freshome. If you get an art piece by a favorite artist or put up one of your own, it can bring you joy whenever you look at it.
Any home is a blank slate that can be transformed into an enjoyable and comfortable paradise. All that is required is careful consideration of the space and your personal preferences. There is no rush so that you may carefully piece together the sort of home that never fails to bring a smile upon your face.
Article by Jennifer Gill